Launch the Instance

In this tutorial, you’ll launch an EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instance into a region of AWS.

Follow Step 1: Launch an instance using these instructions. Use the following parameters:

Parameter Value
Region us-east-1
Amazon Machine Image Amazon Linux 2023 AMI, SSD Volume Type, 64-bit (x86)
Instance type t2.micro (free tier eligible)
Instance Details (accept all defaults)
Storage (accept default 8GB SSD volume)
Tags Key=Name, Value=your last name
Security Group SSH, Source=My IP
Key Pair Create a new key pair and name it: your_last_name-us-east-1.pem (download to desktop)

At this point, you are well on your way to becoming an AWS Cloud Operations Administrator! Once you have launched the instance and it’s Status Check shows 2 of 2 checks passed, post your status to this form. Continue to the next step.

Please update the class roster when you finish with Exercise 1.

See details on Amazon EC2 free tier here