Configure the Network

We’ll have to open port 80 on the web server so that you can access it from the internet. We do this by configuring a security group rule on the AWS console.

  1. Click on your instance in the EC2 console. Then, select the Security tab in the window below.
  2. Click to open the Security Group. It should be named something like sg-0fed659811d69a592 (launch-wizard-81).
  3. In the Security Group console, click Edit Inbound Rules
  4. Click Add Rule
  5. Add a rule for Port Range = 80 and Source = My IP
  6. Click Save Rules

You can now test that your web server is properly installed and started. To do this, enter the public Domain Name System (DNS) name of your EC2 instance in the address bar of a web browser, for example: If your web server is running, then you will see the content that you posted in step 2 - Add Content.

Please update the class roster when you finish with Exercise 3.

Throughout this workshop, your home computer’s IP address may change in case it is dynamically assigned by your Internet Service Provider. In this case, you will also need to edit each inbound rule in the security group created in this workshop with the latest Source = My IP. For this, simply edit the inbound rule and pick Source = My IP from the drop down which will update it to your current IP address. Then Click Save Rules